Aaron plays some Freshly Frosted from The Quantum Astrophysicists Guild on PC via Steam.

Aaron plays some Freshly Frosted from The Quantum Astrophysicists Guild on PC via Steam.
Aaron previews and plays through the 1-4 player, coop or competitive tile placement puzzle maze game Mechanical Beast from Ben Morayta with art from Apolline Etienne and Brigette Indelicato. Mechnical Beast is being published by Sideroom Games.
Aaron reviews the puzzle, shape-placement game Ubongo! Extreme from KOSMOS.
Aaron plays Mekorama for the Nintendo Switch and expresses how he feels about long walks and short walks.
Aaron makes many meals and enjoys the music in inbento for the Nintendo Switch.
Aaron sees the signs and plays The Pedestrian on PC via Steam.
Aaron plays some Friday the 13th: Killer Puzzle on the Switch.
Linelight PS4 PC interview w/ Brett Taylor Pax East 2016
Have Game, Will Play: Q.U.B.E. Director’s Cut Xbox One Review
Recommendation: Worth a buy – if you like puzzle games
Minutes tasks players with filling in an empty ring
Threes is a puzzle game where you can only add
Apparently Schrodinger’s cat has survived and is busy conducting experiments
Enjoy matching 3 like colored beatons(blocks) to send
Sparkle 2 is 10tons’ follow-up to their original rotating, action
Furmins began as an iOS game and has been ported
Cubicity is a physics-based puzzle game where players take control
An Issac Newton-esque character needs to find keys for doors
Quiet Storm puzzle gaming
You’ve seen this with bubbles before, right?
My first thought was WarioWare after I stopped laughing.
This is basically Brain Training for the Vita and that’s