Have Game, Will Play: Threes for Xbox One

Threes is a puzzle game where you can only add multiples of 3 with the exception of only being able to create 3 with a 1 and a 2. Combing the same multiples of 3 allows you to progress. So you are the protagonist, of sorts, and the 4by4 area you are confined to is your nemesis. The goal is to build up to higher multiples of 3. Numbers can come from any of the cardinal directions and you slide the entire grid around in your(more like mine) vain attempt at a high score. Once no more movement is possible the game is over. Seems simple and it is, until it isn’t. Have a bad game, say nothing. Have a good game, look at the leaderboards and let the trash talk fly. It can even be snapped on the Xbox One so you can pretend to watch something while playing and/or pretend to play while watching something else.

Recommendation: Worth a buy – if you’re ok with the console ‘tax’ for a game you may already own
Full Disclosure: The Xbox One version of this game was provided to GameEnthus by the developer.
Genre: number puzzle game
Developer: Hidden Variable Studios
Publisher: Sirvo
Platform(s): Xbox One – also available for iOS & Android
Price: $6.99


Worth a buy – paying full price for fans of the series or genre makes sense – often includes a caveat
Worth a buy on sale – not quite full price worthy but close, – often includes a caveat
No – borrow it if you must play it
Please no – Don’t waste any time and/or money on it

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