Have Game, Will Play: Tennis in the Face for PS4

Developer 10tons Ltd. is very talented when it comes to porting and spreading the love(pun intended). As 10tons Ltd. is wont to do – they ported Tennis in the Face to the PS4. Tennis in the Face is bouncer game. A bouncer game could best be described as a game where you aim a projectile and hope to create a chain reaction that results in the demise or incapacitation of all on-screen enemies. So basically you hit people in the face with tennis balls(and energy drinks).

An addiction to the Explodz energy drink led to the fall of the fictitious Pete Pagassi’s life and tennis career. Now fresh out of rehab he is ready to take on the hoards of people turned evil by the far-from benevolent beverage. While you don’t have direct control of Pete you can aim where he smashes his tennis balls. The fewer balls you use the better your performance and score. You will have different enemies, obstacles and environmental hazards to contend with or use to your advantage in each of the multi-level sections of the game.

Tennis in the Face is a mobile game. Using the left analog on the DS4 controller works but it is far from being as efficient as a finger on a touch screen. I’d be lying if I said that it wasn’t fun but because it’s available on so many other platforms, often for free, it’s tough to recommend it for the PS4.

Recommendation: Worth a buy on sale – if you don’t own a device it is currently free on
Full Disclosure: The PS4 version of this game was provided to GameEnthus by the developer.
Genre: mobile-esque bouncer game
Developer: 10tons Ltd.
Publisher: 10tons Ltd.
Platform(s):  PS4, Android, Amazon, Windows 8, Windows Phone 8, Windows, BlackBerry, Mac, webOS(Really?!), Symbian, bada – I’m shocked the Ouya, GameStick and Mojo aren’t supported
Price: $4.99


Worth a buy – paying full price for fans of the series or genre makes sense – often includes a caveat
Worth a buy on sale – not quite full price worthy but close, – often includes a caveat
No – borrow it if you must play it
Please no – Don’t waste any time and/or money on it


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