Book of Villainy Preview

Aaron previews Book of Villainy – a set collection, rondel movement game about a handful of B-list villains who trade consistent failure for a chance to dabble in expressing themselves in literary form. Book of Villainy designed by Fertessa Alysse, with art from Melissa Douglas and Alisha Volkman. Book of Villainy is being published by Gold Seal Games.

GameEnthus Podcast ep427: Productivity or Trek Thoughts, Star Slice

This week Fertessa (@Fertessa) , designer of Book of Villainy, Wicked & Wise and Mansplaining joins Mike (@AssaultSuit), Tiny (@Tiny415) and Aaron (@Ind1fference) to talk about: Funko Games, Spades, Please Fix My Teleprompter, WandaVision, Calico, Point Salad, Ys 9, Food Chain Magnate, Anime, Dragon Ball, Terraforming Mars, Super SD System 3, MODE, The Mind, Destruction All-Stars, Sakura Wars, ManEater, Stubbs The Zombie, and more.