#Reef&Ruins #CarlaKopp #WeirdGiraffeGames Aaron previews Reef & Ruins from Carla

#Reef&Ruins #CarlaKopp #WeirdGiraffeGames Aaron previews Reef & Ruins from Carla
Aaron plays and reviews the classic arcade game inspired roll and write Retrograde from Mary Flanagan, Max Seidman, Ann-Sophie De Steur and Spring Yu. Retrograde was published by Resonym.
Aaron does a playthrough of the solo roll and write Shu’s Tactics from Leviath Games.
#boardgames #LOTSFilledIn #RoyalNGames Aaron previews LOTS Filled in from Royal
Aaron plays some Railroad Ink Challenges on Steam to some degree of success.
Aaron previews Three Sisters from Motor City Gameworks. Three Sisters was designed by Ben Pinchback and Matt Riddle with art from Marlies Barends and the, Beth Sobel.
Aaron plays some Three Sisters with Amanda (@Panda8ngel) Mandi (@boardgamerpinup) and John (@bookofnerds). Three Sisters is a roll and write from Motor City Gameworks. Watch Amanda at Twitch.tv/Panda8ngel Watch Mandi at Twitch.tv/SaltandSassGames | youtube.com/ToDieForGames Watch John at Twitch.tv/bookofnerds