#NoCap #cardgames games #CapitalPunishmentGames 00:00 Introduction 00:22 Components and How

#NoCap #cardgames games #CapitalPunishmentGames 00:00 Introduction 00:22 Components and How
#DonutShop #boardgames #25thcenturygames 00:00 Introduction 00:27 Components and How to
#Courtisans #boardgames #PandasaurusGames 00:00 Introduction 00:31 Components and How to
#MindUP #boardgames #PandasaurusGames 00:00 Introduction 00:21 Components and How to
#ConfusingLands #EnvyBornGames #cardgame 00:00 Introduction 00:42 Components and How to
Aaron previews the food chain trick-taking game FORK (Fox Owl Rabbit Kale) from Sunrise Tornado Game Studio.
Aaron previews the push-your-luck chemical mixing game Explosion in the Laboratory from Weird Giraffe Games.
Aaron reviews Naturopolis – the third game in the 18 card layering game series from the designers of Sprawlopolis and Agropolis.
Aaron plays a solo variant and reviews Enchanted Plumes from Brendan Hansen and Calliope Games.
#Sashimono #LoreChaseGames #cardgames Aaron previews the tactical card game Sashimono
#boardgames #PaperbackAdventures #FowersGames Aaron plays Paperback Adventures with some help
Aaron previews the cocoa bean concoction collecting game Bittersweet from Coo’ Games. Bittersweet was designed by Matthew Hocker with art from Olivia Raum and Ashleigh Miller.
Aaron previews Floriferous from Pencil First Games. Floriferous was designed by Eduardo Baraf, Steve Finn and Keith Matejka with art from Clémentine Campardou and Kim Robinson.
Aaron previews the end of the world card game Doomlings from Mccoy & Meyer.
Aaron previews the cooperative deck-building, push your luck card game Rescuing Robin Hood from Castillo Games. It’s currently on Kickstarter.
Aaron reviews the potential enemy-making hand-management, take that game Knock Knock from Trinity Craft Games.
Aaron reviews the fairy capturing hand-management, trick-taking Fairy Season from Good Games Publishing.
Aaron reviews Dealt! designed by Katja Stremmel from AMIGO Games.
Aaron previews the 1-4 player tile placement, die manipulation game Space Dinos from Paodle Games.
Aaron previews the 1-4 player set collection, push your luck, spell-making game Studies in Sorcery from Weird Giraffe Games.
Aaron previews the 2-4 player PvP card game Mini Steel from Gremore Games.
Aaron reviews the coop trick taking game The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine from KOSMOS.
Aaron previews the solo (coop friendly) legacy card game Deck Of Wonders from Dennis Furia.
Aaron reviews the number, color and shape deduction card game Concluzio from Puzzling Pixel Games.
#ThalaraTheLastArtifacts #wredespiele #cardgames Aaron previews the hand management, area majority/influence