Have Game, Will Play: Jet Car Stunts

The popular and well-received mobile racer, Jet Car Stunts has made its way to the PC. Jet Car Stunts is advertised as a racing platformer, which is largely accurate. The tracks you race on are very segmented and require you to use the jet boost to continue to the finish line.

After an optional tutorial you can select from the platforming, time trial and collector modes. Platforming is the main mode and consists of levels organized by their difficulty. Time trial is self-explanatory and collector places stars all over the tracks and tasks you with collecting them. Many seem almost inaccessible which should add to the challenge.

Jet Car Stunts has tight controls, bright colors and plenty of challenge. Each track in the platforming mode only allows 10 retries before it starts you from the beginning. Checkpoints serve two purposes as they are restart points and refill your boost meter. However many times, I stared at a long jump with little boost left and checkpoint on the other side almost mocking me. If you are anything like me, you will get a kick out of failing. Jet Car Stunts almost behooves you to do so.

Recommendation*: Worth a buy
Full Disclosure: This game was provided to GameEnthus by the publisher.
Genre: stunt racing
Developer:Grip Games/True Axis
Publisher: bitComposer
Platforms: Steam
Price: $9.99


Worth a buy – paying full price for fans of the series or genre makes sense – often includes a caveat
Worth a buy on sale – not quite full price worthy but close, – often includes a caveat
Rent – rent before buying
No – borrow it if you must play it
Please no – Don’t waste any time and/or money on it

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