#MarsupilamiHoobaventure #Microids #Xbox Full Disclosure: This game or prototype was

#MarsupilamiHoobaventure #Microids #Xbox Full Disclosure: This game or prototype was
Aaron plays some Spin Rhythm XD (early access) on Steam. He does about as well as you might suspect he’d do.
Chorus Worldwide and Alfa System are pleased to announce that Sisters Royale: Five Sisters Under Fire, the Japanese shmup from veteran Japanese developers Alfa System, arrives this week on Xbox One.
Aaron plays Bubble Bobble 4 Friends for the Nintendo Switch solo and things pop off.
Aaron dogfights with a trash-talking cat in Baron Fur is Gonna Fly on the Xbox One.
Mystic Vale is now on the Switch and Aaron is quite pleased.
#Kunai #TurtleBlaze #TheArcadeCrew Control a katana-wielding tablet with kunai in
#TamashiiGame #NintendoSwitch #Vikintor Aaron plays some Tamashii. It has plenty
Aaron played some Woven for the Xbox One and found it very relaxing due to the music, gameplay and a plethora of cut scenes.
#TheNinjaSaviorsReturnoftheWarriors #NintendoSwitch #BeatEmUp Aaron plays The Ninja Saviors: Return of
Aaron plays The Bradwell Conspiracy and outside of enjoying his time with it – he isn’t sure what to believe.
Aaron and his youngest daughters “work” together in the coop mode of Le Cartel’s Heave Ho.
Aaron gets into the swing and physics of things in the solo mode of Le Cartel’s Heave Ho.
Aaron plays some Exception in an attempt to clean physical and electrical house.
Aaron plays Fantasy Strike on the Nintendo Switch and punches the faces.
Aaron speaks with Khalil Abdullah about Decoy Games’ underwater action game Swimsanity.
Super Phantom Cat, Super Phantom Cat Remake, Switch, Steam, Veewo Games, Nintendo Switch
Aaron plays some Assault Android Cactus on the Switch.
Aaron plays some Mercury Race for the Switch.
Aaron plays some Eggggg – The Platform Puker for the Switch.
Aaron plays some PikuNiku on Steam(PC).
Aaron plays some FutureGrind for the Switch.
Aaron plays some At Sundown: Shots in the Dark for the Switch.
Aaron plays some Mugsters for the Xbox One.
Aaron plays some Speed Brawl for the Xbox One.