#Slingz #boardgames #BlueOrangeGames 00:00 Introduction 00:27 Components and How to

#Slingz #boardgames #BlueOrangeGames 00:00 Introduction 00:27 Components and How to
Aaron reviews the 2-5 player vowels not included, except for the ‘o’, word game Vowl.
Aaron reviews Hues and Cues from Scott Brady and The Op.
Aaron reviews the head in the clouds party game Cloud Control from 25th Century Games and designed by Eugene Bryant.
Aaron reviews the monster describing and monster drawing game MonsDRAWsity from Eric Slauson and Deep Water Games.
Aaron reviews the wacky news creating party game Mad News from YWOW Games.
#TattooStories #DrawATattoo #tabletopgames Aaron gives his impressions of the very
Aaron and his youngest daughters “work” together in the coop mode of Le Cartel’s Heave Ho.
Aaron gets into the swing and physics of things in the solo mode of Le Cartel’s Heave Ho.
Runbow WiiU Review Full Recommendation: Worth a Buy –
Aaron interviews Justin and Marty from 13AMGames about their 9-player