GameEnthus Podcast ep329: Potential Use Case or Callbacked

GameEnthus Podcast ep329: Potential Use Case or Callbacked 

This week Julian(@Wolfkin) joins Mike(@AssaultSuit), Tiny(@Tiny415) and  Aaron(@Ind1fference) to talk about:  Demolition Man, Judge Dredd, Cider Monday, Steam Controller, The Hunt, Xbox One X, PS4 Pro, Office Depot, Avengers Infinity War, The Neverending Story, Justice League, Rock Band 4, Terraria, One Finger Death Punch, Battle Cats, CastleStorm, Arkham Horror, A Study in Emerald, Chaosmos, Interstellar Pig, Battle Chef Brigade, Taco Bell, Skyrim, Pokemon Ultra Sun, Friday the 13th, Freddy vs Jason, Mega Man X, Secret of Mana, Xenoblade Chronicles, Rocket League, Absolute Drift, PUBG, Cuphead, Oxenfree, Ittle Dew 2, Doom, NBA 2K18, Wolfenstein II, Kid Tripp, Super Beat Sports, RIVE, Super Lucky’s Tale, Star Ghost, Vye, Super Mario Odyssey, Electronic Arts, Star Wars Battlefront, Impossible Burger and more.


If you like the show please leave us an itunes, Google, Youtube or Stitcher review, a tweet, an email or a voicemail (202-573-7686).  

Download the GE iOS / WP apps and check out GameEnthus. Show Length: 142 minutes Direct Download

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Show Music  

Juice Crew – The Symphony instrumental

Method Man & Redman – Da Rockwilder instrumental

Missy – Sock it To Me instrumental

Lords of the Underground – Chief Rocka instrumental

The Game – Hate it or Love it instrumental

Main Source – Live at the BBQ instrumental

Kool G Rap and DJ Polo – Ill Street Blues instrumental

Bad Boy for Life Remix instrumental

UMCs – Blue Cheese instrumental



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