GameEnthus Podcast ep315: Miles Ahead? or Complacency Awaits?

GameEnthus Podcast ep315: Miles Ahead? or Complacency Awaits?


On this episode Lance(@MPC_Hero), Scar(@Scarfinger) and Aaron(@Ind1fference) talk about: Uncharted The Lost Legacy, Horizon Zero Dawn Frozen, Days Gone, Monster Hunter World,
Shadow of the Colossus, Marvel vs Capcom Infinite Story Demo, CoD WWII, Skyrim PSVR, Star Child PSVR, The Inpatient PSVR, Monster of the Deep Final Fantasy XV PSVR, Bravo Team PSVR, Moss PSVR, God of War, Detroit Become Human, Destiny 2, Spider-Man, Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions, Minecraft, Ubisoft, Mario and Rabbids, Skyrim, David Cage, Gears of War, Beyond Good and Evil, Knack 2, Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom, Wolfenstein II, Doom VFR, The Evil Within 2, Dishonored, Final Fantasy VII, Shenmue 3, The Last Guardian
and more.  


If you like the show please leave us an itunes, Google, Youtube or Stitcher review, a tweet, an email or a voicemail (202-573-7686).  

Download the GE iOS / WP apps and check out GameEnthus. Show Length: 51 minutes Direct Download


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Show Music  

Geto Boys – G-Code instrumental

GZA – Liquid Swords instrumental

EPMD – So What cha Sayin instrumental

BG – Bling Bling instrumental

E. Bros – Funky Piano instrumental



























  1. This has to be the most negative episode I’ve ever heard, does anyone like games?

  2. I fully understand why you feel that way. I guess we just wanted Sony to really show something but they really don’t have to. That being said I’m still very interested in a bunch of their exclusives and was happy to see PSVR get some love.

  3. Usually the show is very on point it just felt like bunch of people saying every game sucks except for you actually

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