GameEnthus Podcast ep268:Â One Less D or Communication is the…
 This week Gary(@Amras89) from The GamesmenRPG chats with Tiny(@Tiny415) and Aaron(@Ind1fference) about: Philly Brickfest, Disney Infinity, TheGamesmenRPG, Ghostpeppers, Carolina Reapers, Too Many Games, ShadowGate 64, Self/Less, Spectre, The Hateful Eight, Jackie Brown, The Revenant, Air, Locke, Captain America Civil War, Ant-Man, Winter Soldier, Black Panther, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Cards Against Humanity, Silicon Valley, Pax East 2016, The Jungle Book, Throught The Looking Glass, Alice in Wonderland, Santigold, X-men Apocaplypse, Fantastic Four, Deadpool, Poker Night 2, Rocket League, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, Uncharted 4 A Thief’s End, Factorio, Star Fox Zero, Star Fox Guard, Overwatch, BattleBorn, Life Goes On: Drone to Death,  Hearthstone, Fire Emblem: Fates, Severed, Hearth and Slash, Super Hot, Good Robot, The Analog Circle Podcast, Kiaun Mitchel, Nintendo 2DS, E3, Destiny, Disney, ESPN, Street Fighter V, Split/Second, Assassin’s Creed and more.
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Show Length: 162 minutes Direct Download
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@GameEnthus  @GeeksGoneRaw  @SingleSimulcast
Show Music
Redman – Can’t Wait instrumental
Westside Connection -Â Hoo Bangin’Â instrumental
The Roots – Clones instrumental
Mike Outfield – Nuclear (MGS 5 soundtrack)
Q-tip – Let’s Ride instrumental
UMCs – Blue Cheese instrumental
Run DMC – Down with the King instrumental
Aaliyah – One in a Million instrumental
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