Aaron plays some Swords of Gargantua on PSVR…on PS5.

Aaron plays some Swords of Gargantua on PSVR…on PS5.
This week Lance (@MPC_Hero) joins Mike (@AssaultSuit), Tiny (@Tiny415) and Aaron (@Ind1fference) to talk about plenty of shows and games.
Aaron plays some Paper Beast on PSVR from the mind of Eric Chahi (Out of this World/Another World).
This week Mike (@AssaultSuit), Tiny (@Tiny415) and Aaron (@Ind1fference) talk about Intellivision Amiico, Kill It with Fire, Kim’s Convenience, PS5, Xbox One X, PSVR, their favorite games of 2020 and more.
Aaron plays some Until You Fall on PSVR from Schell Games.
Aaron plays Pixel Ripped 1995 ON PSVR and enjoys playing a game within a game within another game wearing a questionable shirt
Aaron hurls random objects and people at other people in Good Goliath on PSVR.
Aaron edutains himself with what lies beneath in Human Anatomy VR for PSVR.
This week Jovan (@hovalatos) joins Mike (@AssaultSuit), Tiny (@Tiny415) and Aaron (@Ind1fference) to talk about video games, Star Trek Discovery, analog games, The Boys, parking woes, Alita Battle Angel and more video games.
Aaron plays some of Tigertron’s dolphin exploration game – Jupiter & Mars.
Aaron plays some of Zoink Games’, must-play experience, Ghost Giant for PSVR.
Aaron plays some Dick Wilde 2 on PSVR.
GunsNStoriesBulletproof #PSVR #MIROWIN Aaron plays some Guns ‘N’ Stories Bulletproof
This week Tiny (@Tiny415), Mike (@AssaultSuit) and  Aaron (@Ind1fference) talk about: movies, comics, pizza, video games, bootleg consoles and more video games.
Aaron plays some of Astro Bot Rescue Mission on PSVR.
Pixel Ripped 1989 Review (PSVR, Oculus, Vive)
Get ripped
+ fun premise and gameplay
+ level variety
+ easter eggs and secrets
– relatively brief
– looks a little rough around the edges
Happy Drummer EP Review (PSVR/PS4)
+ fun for a moment
– not much there
– audio feedback seems off
– not much replay value
– character models appear very stereotypical
Knockout League, Knockout League review, PSVR, boxing, Punch-Out!!, Sony PS4, HTC Vive
Pixel Ripped 1989, ARVORE, Ana Ribeiro, PSVR, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Pax East 2018
GameEnthus Podcast ep339: (Why) Are you Entertained?! or Equitable Toxicity
GameEnthus Podcast ep323: MetaRoidVania or VREnthus  This week
The Lost Bear Review (PSVR) Help, help here comes the
Early On: VR Karts (PS4/PSVR) When it happened, I knew.
Dick shoots here. + tight controls and Aim controller support
Review: Mortal Blitz (PS4/PSVR) Buck and duck. Full Recommendation: Worth