Aaron speaks with Ian from Big Sir Games about Cosmo’s Quickstop.

Aaron speaks with Ian from Big Sir Games about Cosmo’s Quickstop.
Aaron speaks with Khalil Abdullah about Decoy Games’ underwater action game Swimsanity.
This week Kosa(@LadyKosa) and Michal J.(@GravityAllergy) join Mike (@AssaultSuit), Tiny (@Tiny415) and  Aaron (@Ind1fference) to talk about Pax East, video games, movies and more video games.
Aaron speaks with Tommy Refenes about the Team Meat’s latest creation – Super Meat Boy Forever.
Aaron speaks with Justin and other members of Askiisoft about their time-sensitive action platformer Katana Zero.
Aaron speaks with Jack from CoatSink about Bit Loom’s co-op wonderland PHOGS!
Aaron speaks with Maged from OctoSoft about the action platformer Renaine.
Aaron speaks with Felix, producer of Tunic, at Pax East 2019.
Aaron speaks with Nick from Modern Storyteller about his first person adventure, The Forgotten City, at Pax East 2019.
Aaron speaks with Julian and Benjamin from Lizard Cube about Streets of Rage 4 at Pax East 2019.
Aaron speaks with Benjamin from TurtleBlaze about their action platformer, Kunai, at Pax East 2019.
Aaron speaks with David Flook from Silver Dollar Games about their ridiculous action game, One Finger Death Punch 2, at Pax East 2019.
Aaron speaks with Frederic from Le Cartel about their grab and swing game, Heave Ho, at Pax East 2019.
Just showing a couple of things I got while at or around Pax East 2019.