This week Carly (@PoisonPinkFluff) from MammothGamers  joins Mike (@AssaultSuit), Tiny (@Tiny415) and  Aaron (@Ind1fference) to talk about movies, games, movies, name changing and more video games.

This week Carly (@PoisonPinkFluff) from MammothGamers  joins Mike (@AssaultSuit), Tiny (@Tiny415) and  Aaron (@Ind1fference) to talk about movies, games, movies, name changing and more video games.
This week Mike (@AssaultSuit), Tiny (@Tiny415) and Aaron (@Ind1fference) talk about: Iron Man 3, Deadpool 2, Avengers Infinity War, Dover ComicCon, Warhammer, Disenchantment, 007 The Duel, Timothy Dalton, 007 Bloodstone, Daniel Craig, Skyfall, Xbox One, Fallout 76, Bethesda, Trials of the Master Sword, Dead Cells, Overwatch, All-Star Fruit Racing, Sesame Street Once Upon a Monster, Kinect Adventure, TMNT Kinect, Kero Blaster, CLoS, Mario Kart 7, Super Mario Kart, Meteos, Radio Hammer Station, Guacamelee! 2, Morphies, Parsec, Monument Valley, Tetris, Twitch, Netflix, Cloak and Dagger, Xbox All Access, Extra Life, The Office and more.
This week Mandy(@ladyluck34) and Ben(@BCterps) joins Tiny(@Tiny415) and Aaron(@Ind1fference) to talk about: E3, Laconia Bike Week, Fortnite, Dragon Quest VIII, Lego Mosiac Maker, Anthony Bourdain, God War, PUBG, Nintendo Labo, AnimeNext, Blaz Blue Phatasma Battle, Shaq Fu Legend Reborn, Sushi Striker, Overcooked 2, Upgrade, Vampyr, Just Beats & Shapes, Runner3, Perils of Baking, Hot Pot Hero, Elder Scrolls VI, Fallout 76, Wolfenstein 2: Youngblood, Prey, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit, Babylon’s Fall, Battletoads, Halo Infinite, Gears Pop, Gears of War 5, The Quiet Man, Kingdom Hearts 3, Compulsion Games, The Initiative, Ninja Theory, Undead Labs, Playground Games, Super Mario Party, Anthem, Devolver Digital, Metal Wolf Chaos XD, My Friend Pedro, Resident Evil 2, Death Stranding, The Last of Us Part II, Ghosts of Tsushima, Sekiro Shadows Die Twice, Control, Days Gone, SNK 40th Anniversary, Hitman 2, Starlink, Beyond Good & Evil 2, Unravel Two, Tunic, Limited Run Games, Star Wars Jedi The Fallen Order, Viva Pinata, Too Many Games and more.
This week Marcia(@JaXboxChick) from @TheMommyGamers joins Tiny (@Tiny415) and Aaron (@Ind1fference) to talk about: The Mommy Gamers, Secret Hitler, State of Decay 2, Sea of Thieves, Laser League, Just Beats & Shapes, Crackdown 3, Detroit Become Human, Grand Theft Auto Vice City, GDPR, Street Fighter Collection, Ikaruga, Tommy Tallarico, Video Games Live, Riddled Corpses EX, Bloodstained, Floor Kids, Rayman Legends, Trailblazers, Laser League, State of Decay 2, The Adventures of Elena Temple, Spawn, Fallout 76, Intelivision, Atari VCS and more.