Aaron plays some Lunistice on the Steam Deck and expounds on the systems it was designed to make us reminisce about.

Aaron plays some Lunistice on the Steam Deck and expounds on the systems it was designed to make us reminisce about.
Aaron platforms while coloring and doesn’t worry about staying in the lines in Newt One for the Nintendo Switch.
Aaron plays some Rogue Singularity and thinks of sunshine and jazzy music.
Aaron plays some Effie on the PS4 and delights in the simple pleasures of jumping and collecting things…that inexplicably float and incessantly turn in mid-air.
uper Lucky’s Tale, Super Lucky’s Tale Gilly Island, Super Lucky’s Tale Gilly Island DLC Review, Xbox One, Windows 10, Xbox One X, 3D platformer, Playful, Play Anywhere
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EP Review: Poi (Steam) Medallions shine too. + fun, well-polished
FreezeMe EP Review Xbox One Shines bright + an homage
Human Fall Flat Playing EP review Get back up. +