#EMBR #Xbox #CurveDigital Aaron plays some EMBR, a goofy game

#EMBR #Xbox #CurveDigital Aaron plays some EMBR, a goofy game
Aaron plays some UnMetal, a hilarious Metal Gear parody, on PC.
Aaron plays some Ayo The Clown on PC via Steam.
Aaron plays some Cotton Reboot! on the Switch.
Aaron plays some of Mighty Goose on the Nintendo Switch and gets his
goosed cooked. He’d do it again too.
Aaron plays some of the 3D puzzle platformer Glyph for the Nintendo Switch.
Aaron takes a look at Turrican Flashback for the Nintendo Switch.
Aaron plays some Duck Souls + for the Nintendo Switch.
Aaron plays some Going Under from Aggro Crab Games.
Aaron plays some Space Invaders Forever on the Nintendo Switch. Space Invaders Forever is comprised of Space Invaders Gigamax 4 SE, Arkanoid vs Space Invaders and Space Invaders Extreme.
Aaron plays some Tamiku from Josyan and published by Ratalaika Games.
Aaron plays some Pumpkin Jack – a 3D action platformer developed by a single person, Nicolas Meyssonnier, and published by Headup Games.
Aaron plays some Golf Zero from Ratalaika Games on the Nintendo Switch.
Aaron plays some Super Punch Patrol from Hörberg Productions on the Nintendo Switch.
Aaron plays some Urban Flow from Baltoro Games on the Nintendo Switch.
Aaron plays some Goosebumps Dead of Night for the Xbox One.
Aaron plays some Double Kick Heroes for the Nintendo Switch.
Aaron plays some Faeria for the Nintendo Switch.
Aaron plays some Starlit Adventures for the Xbox One and doesn’t realize, while playing, that it is a free-to-play game. Ooops.
Aaron plays some Sisters Royale Five Sisters Under Fire for the Xbox One…this family needs counseling.
Sisters Royale Five Sisters Under Fire
Aaron plays Spongebob Squarepants Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated for the Xbox One and rambles on about everything.
Aaron plays Bridge Strike for the Nintendo Switch and has pleasant memories of Raiding Rivers.
Aaron plays Aqua Lungers on the Nintendo Switch and tries to find what the real value of wet treasure is.
Aaron plays some Slayin’ 2 on the Nintendo Switch.
Aaron punched things in the face successfully in Fight’n Rage because he didn’t become distracted by pixel physics.